Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just because you rap about money does't mean your an economist

What do MC Hammer, Jermain Dupree, Young buck all have in common? Apart from one being bankrupt, they all had at least one song rapping about how ballin they are. From ballin out of control, and being a shorty riding along in the chevy 4 door, there should be some financial responsibility involved in handling all this cash floating around. In no way shape or form am I trying to hate on the rap community. it seems rappers have a passion for low liquidity assets. Custom made chains for example a traded for currency (a highly liquid asset). This chain may seem to increase their net worth, but what it really has done is increase the net worth of the jeweler. Fast cars, Big houses, and over the top champaign bottles are all nice assets, but their is little resale value (if not none for champaign) to get anything in return once you buy them. MC hammer filing for bankruptcy with a debt of at least $10 Million dollars is embarrassing. Young Buck recently filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, and might even loose his name. He owes the IRS, child support (big shaking my head), and 50 cent over $10 million.

These rappers should have at least invested a portion of their money into something to make a return on their investment. Some rappers are to scared to talk about their financial troubles until its all to late. This silence needs to be broken. Killer Mike (rapper) has opened up a barber shop to get a little ROI (return on investment) “I should have opened my barbershop 10 years ago. I actually started seeing return on my money. I would encourage people, for financial literacy, to seek out small businesses." 
Big Boi is known for "hustling" pit bulls. The overall idea is to invest into something that will put some cash flow back into your pocket instead of spending wastefully. 

Its not about fast cars, flashy clothes, etc.... but what does matter is financial literacy and how you handle your money (and maybe a little Jeremy Bentham; happiness= pleasure - pain). Living in the now may seem fun and exciting, but will leave you with no future. A word to anyone having money problems, take a personal financing class, watch some youtube videos, or just watch Mr. Khan in his Khan Academy videos. No one wants to be bankrupt, and it only hurst the ECONOMY. 

Y= The Don 

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